WhatsApp retreated, all the features can be used even if you do not follow the policy

WhatsApp retreated, all the features can be used even if you do not follow the policy

Whatsapp, Messaging, Online, Communication, Chat, Phone

 WhatsApp's controversial new privacy policy came into effect on May 15. A few days ago, the Facebook-owned app said that those who did not accept the policy would not have their accounts deleted. Instead, users will accept the terms even after the 15th and the company will continue to give users constant reminders for it. However, if this privacy policy is not adopted, the effectiveness of the app will gradually be limited after May 15; In other words, WhatsApp users will lose the opportunity to use some services of the app. Today, however, the Facebook-owned instant messaging platform reassures users that users will be able to use all of WhatsApp's services without having to accept the new privacy policy.

Smartphone, Communication, MessageBy the way, since the beginning of this year, there have been various disagreements over WhatsApp's privacy policy. The chat app, owned by Facebook, has been persuading millions of its users to adopt the policy since January this year. The policy was supposed to take effect on February 8, and WhatsApp then announced that those who did not comply with the policy would have their accounts deleted. In addition to this, there were rumors in the market that if this policy is followed, the users' personal information will no longer be protected. Then users around the world, especially Indians, moved to rival platforms like Signal and Telegram. As a result, the company was forced to soften the tone and postponed the date until May 15 and also ensured that users' personal information would be completely protected even if this privacy policy was complied with.

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that while WhatsApp is not limiting the app's functionality for both its Android and iOS platforms, it will continue to be a constant reminder to users who have not yet adopted a privacy policy. If you are one of such users, you will continue to receive random pop-ups whenever you open WhatsApp on your phone. These pop-ups will remind you to adopt a privacy policy.

Man, Character, Whatsapp, Drawing

A WhatsApp spokesperson said: "Whether or not this privacy policy is complied with has nothing to do with access to the user's personal information, the user's personal information will always be fully protected. This policy is only a step in the interest of business development. Multiple users have already adopted this policy, and the company will aim to ensure that those who have not yet adopted it in the future. ”

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